Well, I have not posted anything in a while. I honestly don’t have much to say. Life is life and it continues on whether you are on board or not. I already had a birthday this year, so I guess you could say I’m another year older. I like to think I’m also another year wiser. Mom came to visit to celebrate. We had a great time, albeit it was way too short. I do miss that lady! Been around town just a bit, so I may post a short video soon on that. We tend to go to the same places all the time. I’m gathering photos each month of the flowers I see blooming. Camellia was in January. What was February? It’s already come and gone! The Daffodils are out now along with a few cherry trees. Better catch them quick before they disappear! I’m going to adopt a saying from one of the YouTube channels I watch: Be Kind. Always.